Thursday, December 15, 2011

***Reminder ***

*****We will not have class Tuesday 12/20. Please visit the writing center if you wish to revise  your paper (only if you received a B- or less).  I will not accept your revised paper without a sheet from the Writing Center.

The Writing Center is located in Knapp Hall Room 30.
Telephone: 631-420-2082
They are extremely busy, you should make an appointment.

We will have class on Thursday 12/22

Final Group Presentation Schedule:
1. Kristie Mauro
2. Anthony Nash
3. Vin Danetti
4. Ashley Asfazdour
5. Jordan Supinsky
6. Mandy Vecchio

Presentations should be no more than 5 -7 minutes including questions. Please be sure to time your presentations beforehand. We need to make sure that everyone has enough time to present on the very last day. 

I will hand back your presentation rubric & your reflective journals on Thursday.

I look forward to seeing all of you next Thursday for our last class!  

Have a happy and safe weekend!

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